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The Essentials

  • $ 017


The Westminster Confession of Faith is a confessional statement of orthodox Presbyterianism. The Westminster Confession of Faith is our standard of doctrine as found in Scripture. It is a positive statement of the Reformed Faith. The Westminster Confession of Faith constitutes a system of biblical truth that an officer of the EPC is required to believe, acknowledging that each individual court has the freedom to allow exceptions that do not infringe upon the system of doctrine in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

The "Essentials of Our Faith" is a conciliatory statement of historic evangelicalism. The purpose of the "Essentials of Our Faith" is to define core beliefs of the Christian Faith. It expresses historic Christian teaching common to all true believers and churches throughout the world. The "Essentials of Our Faith" is not intended to be the exclusive test of orthodoxy for ordination. It is not intended to be used as an explicit standard for minimal core beliefs for candidates, ordination or ministerial examinations. It is not to be construed as a substitute for the Westminster Confession of Faith.

The Westminster Confession of Faith and the "Essentials of Our Faith" are important documents in the EPC. They are not alternative statements of truth, nor are they competitive statements of truth. They both serve important and harmonious purposes within the EPC. The Westminster Confession of Faith preserves our commitment to the historic orthodoxy of the Reformed Faith, while the "Essentials of Our Faith" preserves our commitment to historic evangelicalism.

3" x 5" folded tract-size booklet.

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