Minutes of the 38th General Assembly (PDF Download)
Minutes of the 39th General Assembly (PDF Download)
Minutes of the 40th General Assembly (Paperback Book Format)
Minutes of the 40th General Assembly (PDF Format)
Position Paper on Abortion (PDF Download)
Position Paper on Divorce and Remarriage (PDF Download)
Position Paper on Human Sexuality (PDF Download)
Position Paper on the Holy Spirit (PDF Download)
Position Paper on the Ordination of Women (PDF Download)
Position Paper on the Problems of Suffering, Death, and Dying (PDF Download)
Position Paper on the Value of and Respect for Human Life (PDF Download)
Procedure Manual for Ministerial and Candidates Committees (PDF Download)
Refocus: A Summary Overview of the EPC Church Health Process
Synopsis of the EPC Statements on Scriptures (PDF Download)
The Essentials
The Muslim World: A Presbyterian Mandate (PDF Download)
The Shorter Catechism with Scripture Proofs
Westminster Confession with Shorter and Longer Catechisms
Westminster Confession with Shorter and Longer Catechisms (PDF Download)
What Is The Reformed Faith?